Selfie stick is on the selection of the people who wants to take selfie picture or video.It is on the list of top 25 inventions of 2014. It suitable for the selfie craze peoples. It is well designed to hold the smart phone and easy to take own selfie pictures from any angle.It is one the most favourite and selected invention that is why a simple stick is on list of top and valuable inventions of the year.
According to TIMES magazine minimum 25% of American peoples upload their selfie pictures on the social sites where from Barack Obama to hot girl Kim kardashian as well.It means the Selfie culture has been unusually increased in the world .Attraction of the selfie has increased in the every standard people of every geographical areas,team of young ages,high profile people and the lower standard peoples as well.
There are to many companies of selfi stick but the every selfie stick has added an original value.In the list of the TIMES magazine the top inventions of year are Smart watch of Apple company,Mangal yan; projected on the Mars planet, technology of wireless electric charging,3D printing, Black phone smart phone,pro three tablet etcs..